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Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS Last Updated Date: September 7th, 2023

Tips for Driving Safely Around 18-Wheelers

Accidents involving passenger cars and 18-wheelers are often fatal. With more than 4,000 fatality accidents involving large trucks or buses each year in the United States, it is imperative passenger cars and 18-wheelers learn to share the road safely.

If you or someone you love has been involved in an 18-wheeler accident, contact the Austin truck accident attorneys at the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS for a free consultation.

Safe Driving Practices When Sharing the Road with 18-Wheelers

Drivers can help ensure the well-being of everyone on the road by keeping the following safe driving practices in mind when in the company of 18-wheelers on their daily travels:

  1. Do not text and drive. Driving distracted is dangerous and life-threatening while large trucks are around;
  2. Avoid cutting off trucks. They are heavier than passenger vehicles and take longer to stop;
  3. Do not tailgate a truck. Large debris may follow trucks and hit your windshield, and it is hazardous to get into a rear-end collision with a large truck. Trucks have a rear blind spot and may not notice vehicles that are following too closely;
  4. Be aware of where trucks are on the roadway. To avoid being in front of or behind trucks, stay to the left or right lanes;
  5. Never drive right next to a truck. This increases your chances of a fatal accident. Trucks have a large blind spot next to them on both sides, in the front and back;
  6. Pass trucks quickly. Blind spots are everywhere on 18-wheelers. The best way to avoid them is to move out of their way completely or get through these blind spots quickly;
  7. Stay out of the way on mountain roads. It is more difficult for trucks to stop at any time, but it’s especially difficult on mountains. Runaway trucks can and do happen in the mountains;
  8. Give trucks room to turn. Trucks are large and long. They need space to turn. Watch for turn signals on trucks, and do not to pass a truck with a signal on to turn in any direction;
  9. Watch out for tire blowouts. 18-wheeler tire blowouts can happen at any time;
  10. Give trucks the right of way. It is generally safer to let trucks get through first rather than trying to move ahead in front of them;
  11. Watch for light communications. A truck that flashes its lights once is giving you the go-ahead to merge in front of them. High beams or multiple flashes means it’s not safe to merge;
  12. Follow trucks off the highway in bad weather. If trucks choose not to drive on the highway during heavy weather, you probably should not drive on the highway either;
  13. Keep an eye out for drifting. An 18-wheeler truck that is drifting may be drifting due to the wind. Trucks are top-heavy by nature and can be blown over during serious storms;
  14. Be a responsible driver and use common sense on the road. Do not make sudden lane changes, stops, or abrupt turns. Give trucks plenty of room and notice when making any changes.

Contact an Experienced Austin 18-Wheeler Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one were injured in a crash involving an 18-wheeler, contact one of the dedicated 18 wheeler accident attorneys at Villareal & Begum Law Firm. Our skilled truck accident attorneys are prepared to start your claim today and fight aggressively for the full and fair compensation you and your family deserve.

Schedule a complimentary initial consultation by calling us at our offices in Austin or contact us through our website. There are no upfront costs to start your Austin personal injury claim. Instead, Villareal & Begum Law Firm only get paid if and when we secure payment for you.

Related: Trucking Company or Truck Driver: Who is Liable for an Accident in Texas?