Construction zones, especially roadway work zones, can be extremely dangerous. These work zone can cause massive amounts of harm to both motorists, and those who are working at the site. Often, drivers have to navigate complex setups of barrels, cones, and lane changes. In some cases, the distinction of where vehicles can go, and what is blocked off can become difficult. Construction accidents can be caused by anyone. CDC data shows that both motorists and those working at the construction site can act negligently, resulting in damages.
Construction Related Deaths
Texas, unfortunately, leads the country in the number of worker deaths in construction zones. About 180 deaths occur each year in Texas, regarding construction zone accidents. However, those aren’t the only incidents. In 2020 alone, there were 22,000 car wrecks in work zones. Of all the work zone accidents, almost 70% of them are due to vehicles. Most of them can be characterized by a worker being struck by a vehicle. Generally, the most common causes of workplace deaths are caused by being struck by construction vehicles or suffering from a fall.
At any given time in Texas, there are 2,500 active construction zones, according to TXDOT. Given the number of injuries and deaths that occur around these areas, it’s important to exercise caution. Remember, traffic tickets double in Texas work zones, so be careful. Move over, and slow down is state law. It’s of the utmost importance to slow down in construction zone areas. Drivers need to pay attention to the external environment. Not only to be mindful of heavy equipment but to be mindful of the workers as well. Potholes, uneven roads, and other hazards pose a significantly higher risk in work zones.
Have you or a loved one been in a serious car crash and suffered injuries? If so, you should contact an experienced road construction accident attorney. Villarreal and Begum is a local San Antonio personal injury law firm that will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. We serve clients across Texas with offices in San Antonio, Austin, McAllen, and Laredo. We are available day and night to take your calls. Call or contact us via our website. The Law Guns will fight for you.
The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS dedicates their time and effort towards helping people in Texas find justice for personal negligence encountered while living their normal, everyday lives.