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Villarreal & Begum Last Updated Date: April 9th, 2020

Vaping Now Tied To Lung Cancer


E-cigarettes have been in the news a lot as of late. Mostly linking THC vape products to lung diseases, and companies illegally marketing their products to children. Now a new study has been released that might show that the claims that vaping is “healthier” could be false.  Vape companies like Juul have based their marketing on the health benefits of vaping, compared to traditional smoking. They claim since their product isn’t tobacco, it doesn’t have the same harmful effects as tobacco. Unfortunately, they are taking advantage of people who have no idea that e-cigarettes are still carcinogenic.

Exactly how carcinogenic they are, has yet to be determined.  But this new study says vaping could lead to lung cancer and even bladder cancer. A New York University researcher introduced e-cigarette vapor to mice, who then developed cancer. The vapors inhibit the DNA repair in the lung tissue. Out of the 40 mice exposed to the vapor, 57.5% of them developed precancerous lesions, and 22.5% developed lung cancer. However, none of the mice exposed to e-cigarette smoke without nicotine developed cancer. Keep in mind that the mice did not inhale the smoke directly as a human would. Meaning the potential for humans to develop cancer could be much greater.

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