When looking at auto insurance, it’s important to understand what uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is. Some states require uninsured(UM) motorist coverage, so you might not have a choice in paying for it. However, in Texas, you can choose to opt-out of it with written consent. While you do have the option to forgo UM, you really shouldn’t. Uninsured motorist coverage can pay for medical bills. lost wages, and more if you’re the victim of an uninsured driver.
Do I Really Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
If you have good medical insurance, you might feel like UM is an unnecessary cost. After all, why pay for something you don’t need? However, UM insurance has benefits that your health insurance does not provide. The primary function is to pay for medical bills after an accident, but UM also provides things like money for pain and suffering and even lost wages. Things most medical insurance does not account for.
You might think most people are insured anyway, so UM coverage is just a waste of cash. Unfortunately, Texas has a high percentage of uninsured drivers. Just over 14% of motorists in the state lack coverage. While that might seem like a low percentage, uninsured drivers are 34% more likely to be in an accident as opposed to insured drivers. Texas is ranked the 16th state with the most uninsured drivers.
Injured? Contact a San Antonio Car Accident Attorney
At the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, we have extensive knowledge of how insurance companies work and will fight for your legal rights if you have been injured in an uninsured motorist accident. Our San Antonio car accident lawyers understand how stressful it can be, especially if you are unable to work and facing a mountain of medical bills. With our assistance, we will help get your life headed in the right direction. Get in touch with our San Antonio office by calling (210) 800-0000, and schedule a free consultation, so we may answer any questions you have.
The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS dedicates their time and effort towards helping people in Texas find justice for personal negligence encountered while living their normal, everyday lives.