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Broken Bones After a Texas Car Accident

Car accidents in Texas can lead to more than just minor cuts or bruises. Sometimes, drivers and passengers involved in these crashes end up with catastrophic injuries like broken bones. This can happen even if you’re wearing your seatbelt at the time and your airbag opens up like it’s supposed to. High-speed crashes are usually the cause of these serious injuries, which can take a long time to heal and might even need surgery.

Broken bones are a big deal because they can involve high medical bills, leave you unable to work for a while, and result in weeks and even months of pain and limited mobility. To make matters even worse, insurance companies tend to fight legitimate accident claims tooth and nail, resulting in a slower and more stressful recovery.

That’s where the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, come in. We understand how tough it can be and we’re here to help you win the financial compensation you need to pay your medical bills, access ongoing treatment, and take care of your family. If the insurance company for an at-fault driver tries to lowball you, we know how to play hardball, both at the negotiation table and in court.

Why Hire The Villarreal & Begum, Law Guns, For Your Broken Bones Injury Case?

If you’re dealing with one or more broken bones after a car accident in Texas, choosing the right lawyer is essential. At the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, we know that these crash injuries can have a major impact on your life and won’t settle for anything less than full and fair compensation. We understand what you’re going through and know how to get results. 

Other reasons to hire our law firm include:

  • Extensive Experience with Car Accident Injuries: We’ve seen a lot of cases like yours. This means that we know what’s at stake for you and what legal strategies have the best chance of getting you what you deserve for your injury.
  • We Fight Hard: We’re called LAW GUNS for a reason. We go the extra mile for our clients and don’t back down. We’ll stand up to the insurance companies and their counsel for you and demand the money you need to recover.
  • Personalized Strategies: You’re not just another case number to us. Our Texas car accident lawyers will listen to you, take the time to understand your situation and create a plan that’s unique to your case.
  • No Upfront Fees: We take cases on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about finding the money to pay us upfront. We only get paid if we win your case, and will take our attorney fees out of your settlement or award.

Bones Commonly Broken in Car Accidents

In a car crash, any bone can fracture if enough force is applied to it, and the circumstances are different for every case. Nevertheless, certain bones are more likely to break or experience compound fractures in a motor vehicle accident than others:

  • Clavicle (Collarbone): The clavicle is the most frequently broken bone in the human body. This is particularly true for children and teenagers, whose collarbones are still hardening and fully developing until they reach 20 years of age. The nature of automobile accidents, which often include abrupt stops or changes in direction, contributes to the prevalence of clavicle fractures.
  • Leg: Your leg has three main bones – the femur (thigh bone), tibia, and fibula (the two bones that make up your lower leg). In a car crash, any of these can break, particularly if your knees slam into the dashboard during the impact. This can happen from the force of two cars colliding or if your car hits something hard like a tree or pole.
  • Arm/Wrist: Like the leg, your arm is made of three bones: the humerus (upper arm bone), radius, and ulna (both in the forearm). Your arm and wrist bones can easily break during a car accident because of high-impact trauma. Many times, people will naturally try to shield themselves with their arms, leading to breaks in these areas.
  • Ankle: When vehicles collide, the feet and ankles can be trapped or hit in ways that cause the bones to fracture. Ankle breaks from car accidents are serious and can sometimes require surgery to mend properly.
  • Hip: For those over 65, the hip is the most common bone to break. The fragility of the hip bones increases with age, and the impact from auto accidents can easily result in fractures. Hip fractures are severe injuries that almost always need surgical intervention to heal correctly.

Compensation for Broken Bones

If you’ve broken bones in a car accident, the compensation you might be entitled to generally falls into two categories: economic (which can be quantified by receipts, bills, etc.) and non-economic, which are more intangible but still valid. Here’s a breakdown of what you could expect:

  • Medical Expenses: This can include the costs for any medical treatment related to your broken bones, such as emergency room visits, surgeries, x-rays and imaging tests, physical therapy, prescription medications, and medical devices (like crutches or braces).
  • Future Medical Treatment: If your injury requires ongoing care (like additional surgeries or long-term pain management therapy), you might be compensated for future medical expenses as well.
  • Loss of Income: If you have to miss work because of your crash injuries, you can be compensated for the wages you lost during that time.
  • Loss of Earning Capacity: If major injuries affect your ability to earn money in the future — for instance, if you can’t do the same job anymore — you may be compensated for that loss.
  • Pain and Suffering: This is compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress you’ve gone through because of the accident and your injuries.
  • Property Damage: If your vehicle or any personal property was damaged or destroyed in the accident, you could be compensated for repair or replacement costs.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: If your auto accident injuries prevent you from enjoying hobbies, exercise, and other life pleasures, you might receive compensation for that loss.
  • Punitive Damages: In some cases, if the at-fault driver was especially reckless or negligent, you might be awarded punitive damages, which are meant to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior.

It’s important to document everything related to your accident and injuries. This includes taking photos of your injuries, keeping medical records, and logging missed workdays. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand what monetary compensation you might be entitled to and how to maximize your claim.


How Do I Know If I’ve Broken a Bone in a Car Accident?

While broken bones might seem like they’d be obvious injuries, that’s not always the case. After a car accident, the rush of adrenaline in your system can sometimes mask the pain, and a break might feel like just a bad bruise or sprain. That’s why even if you think it’s nothing serious, it’s still important to get medical attention after a crash. 

Here are some signs that you might have a broken bone:

  • Intense Pain: If it really hurts in one specific area, especially when you touch it or put weight on it, that could be a sign of a break.
  • Deformity: If a limb looks weird or out of place, or it’s sitting at an odd angle, that’s a red flag.
  • Swelling, Bruising, or Tenderness: These are common reactions in the body when you have a fracture.
  • Numbness and Tingling: This could mean a bone has been broken and is pressing against nerves.
  • Difficulty Moving: If you can’t move a limb normally, or without a lot of pain, that’s a sign you might have a break.

To figure out if you’ve really broken a bone, doctors will often do an X-ray. Sometimes, however, breaks don’t show up on an X-ray, especially stress fractures or very small ones. That’s when doctors might use a bone scan, CT scan, or an MRI to get a better look. Once a break is confirmed, treatment will depend on the kind of fracture. Here’s what you might expect:

  • Casts: Most times, a plaster or fiberglass cast will be used to keep everything in place while your bone heals.
  • Functional Cast or Brace: These devices allow you to move a little bit, which is sometimes better for healing.
  • Traction: This is where your bone is gently pulled back into the right place.
  • External Fixation: If it’s a really bad break, doctors might put metal pins in your bone to keep everything lined up.
  • Surgery: Sometimes, surgery is the best way to fix the break. Surgeons might use screws or rods to hold the bone together.

Healing from a fracture can take from weeks to months, and you’ll need to keep the bone from moving too much the whole time. Even after the cast or brace comes off, you might not be back to normal. You could need physical therapy to get your strength and flexibility back because not using the muscles around your broken bone can make them weak.

Do I Need a Car Accident Attorney for a Broken Bone Claim?

The decision to hire a car accident lawyer after suffering a fracture may depend on the specifics of your case, but the following factors may make legal representation beneficial:

  • If your accident involves complex legal or insurance issues, an attorney can navigate these systems on your behalf.
  • Broken bones are significant injuries that can have serious implications. An accident injury attorney can help ensure that you receive maximum compensation proportional to the severity of your injury.
  • If there is a dispute about who is responsible for the accident, an experienced lawyer can help prove fault.
  • Insurance companies often aim to minimize payouts. A crash attorney is skilled in negotiating with these companies and can fight for a fair settlement.
  • It can be challenging to calculate all the damages you’re owed, including future medical expenses, lost earning capacity, and pain and suffering. A lawyer knows how to account for these comprehensively.
  • There is a two-year deadline for filing personal injury claims; it’s known as the statute of limitations. A crash attorney can help ensure that all your claims are filed on time.
  • If you need to take your case to court, an attorney will represent you and work to present your case in the best possible light.

While it’s not mandatory to hire an attorney for a broken bone claim following a car accident, doing so can often lead to a better settlement and alleviate the stress of handling the legal process on your own.

Get a Free Consultation With a Texas Car Accident Lawyer

Suffering from broken bones after a car accident in Texas can leave you stressed, in pain, and worried about the future. The legal team at Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, is dedicated to guiding accident victims through this difficult time with skilled legal counsel and personalized attention. The aftermath of an accident shouldn’t dictate the rest of your life—partnering with the right legal team can make all the difference in your journey to healing and financial stability. To schedule your free initial consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers, call (210) 800-0000 or contact us online today.

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