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Car Accident Injuries in Texas

Car accidents are an unfortunate but common occurrence on Texas roads and highways. These incidents range in severity, from minor fender benders at city intersections to high-speed collisions on the state’s sprawling highways. Some Texans walk away from accidents with nothing more than a brief scare and perhaps a scratch or two, while others aren’t as fortunate, sustaining injuries that alter the course of their lives: in 2022, there were 15,299 serious motor vehicle crashes in Texas, with 18,880 people sustaining a serious injury.

Minor injuries from car accidents typically include bruises, cuts, or whiplash. These are often the result of low-speed impacts or well-managed situations where the vehicle’s safety features perform as designed. Seat belts and airbags can significantly mitigate harm, allowing those involved to recover quickly.

Conversely, life-changing injuries often occur during high-speed collisions or accidents involving vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and motorcyclists. Traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and severe burns can mean lengthy rehabilitation processes, permanent disability, or even fatality. The toll of these injuries can be overwhelming for the injured individuals and their families.

At the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, we fight for the rights of those injured by careless or negligent motorists. Whether you’re dealing with the physical pain of injuries, the emotional stress that accompanies them, or the financial strain of medical bills and lost wages, we’re here to hold the at-fault parties accountable and help you attain recovery.

Why Hire The Villarreal & Begum, Law Guns, For Your Car Accident Injuries Case?

When you’re involved in a car accident, you need a legal team that not only understands the ins and outs of Texas personal injury law but also prioritizes your recovery and your rights. Here’s why you can trust the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, with your car accident injuries case:

  • Experience in Texas Car Accident Law: Our personal injury attorneys have years of experience with car accident cases involving drunk driving, distracted driving, and other forms of negligence. We know how to deal with insurance companies and ensure that your case is handled according to all relevant state regulations.
  • Focused on Client Compensation: We strive to win the maximum compensation possible for our clients. Our experienced lawyers consider all potential damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, to ensure that our clients receive the full recompense they are due.
  • Aggressive Representation: We are relentless in our pursuit of justice for our clients. Our Texas car accident attorneys are prepared to take on large insurance companies and are not intimidated by the prospect of going to trial if that’s what it takes to defend your rights.
  • Personalized Attention and Service: We understand that each client’s situation and needs are different and require a tailored approach to ensure the best outcome.
  • No Fee Unless You Win: We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that we don’t charge any fees unless we win your case. This can provide some peace of mind, knowing that we are motivated by results and that you won’t be out of pocket if the case does not go in your favor.

What Are The Most Common Car Accident Injuries?

Car accident injuries are often categorized based on their medical severity into minor, moderate, and severe, each presenting its own challenges and recovery outlooks.

Minor Injuries

Minor injuries are those that usually require minimal medical attention and have a quick recovery period. They include the common types of car accident injuries outlined below.

Cuts and Scrapes

These injuries are usually caused by the sharp hazards produced in a collision, such as shattered glass panes or jagged metal edges. While these wounds are generally considered superficial, their treatment should not be taken lightly. Proper medical care for these cuts and scrapes is paramount to prevent complications such as infection. 


While unsightly and sometimes tender, bruises often resolve without any complications, generally healing within a week or two. In some cases, however, they can be the first sign of a more serious injury. 

Deep bruising might indicate trauma that has affected deeper tissues and can even affect the bone. If a bruise becomes particularly swollen or painful, it could suggest the presence of a more significant injury, such as a deep tissue hemorrhage or a hematoma—a collection of blood that pools outside of a blood vessel.

If you experience a bruise after a car accident, watch for signs that could indicate a greater injury:

  • Loss of motion, numbness, or persistent tingling
  • Increasing pain or swelling
  • Bruises that do not improve over a week
  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty with leg motion (can be indicative of a spinal injury or a blood clot, especially if the bruise is on the back or spine)


This is a common neck injury caused by the rapid back-and-forth movement of the head, typical in rear-end collisions. Symptoms, which include discomfort and tightness in the neck, diminished flexibility in the neck, and headaches starting at the skull’s base, can be painful but often resolve with rest and over-the-counter pain medication. You’ll want to alert your doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Changes in mood or irritability
  • Challenges with concentration
  • Problems with memory retention
  • Vision problems
  • Tinnitus, or a persistent ringing in the ears
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Onset of depressive symptoms

Moderate Injuries

Moderate injuries may require more intensive treatment and a longer period of recuperation. Below is an overview of the more common ones experienced in car accidents.

Broken Bones

Fractures in arms, legs, ribs, or other body parts can occur, especially in side-impact collisions or rollovers. These often require immobilization and sometimes surgery to heal correctly. Fracture types include:

  • Displaced Fracture: The bone shatters into two or more parts and moves out of alignment.
  • Non-Displaced Fracture: The bone cracks either partially or completely, but maintains its proper alignment.
  • Closed Fracture: This occurs when the bone is broken but the skin remains intact.
  • Open Fracture: The break in the bone punctures through the skin, posing a risk of infection.
  • Stress Fracture: These fractures are characterized by hairline cracks in the bone.
  • Partial Fracture: The bone is not completely severed, with the break only extending partway through the bone.


Concussions are traumatic brain injuries caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the brain to move rapidly. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.

Concussions are considered to be on the milder end of the TBI spectrum but can still have significant and lasting effects. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent and can develop hours or even days after the accident. Common symptoms include headache, confusion, dizziness, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, difficulty remembering or concentrating, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and sensitivity to light or noise. Always seek medical attention if you suspect you have a concussion. 

Deep Lacerations 

Deep lacerations are severe cuts that go through the skin and into the underlying tissues, potentially affecting muscles, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels. In the context of a car accident, they can occur due to the body coming into forceful contact with broken glass, metal fragments, or other sharp objects within the vehicle.

Proper wound care, close monitoring, and following your healthcare provider’s instructions are vital to minimize complications and promote the best possible outcome after experiencing deep lacerations in a car accident.

Severe Injuries

Severe injuries from car accidents are life-altering and require emergency medical attention. They can have long-term or permanent effects, depending on the extent of the severity.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are a form of injury that occurs when an external mechanical force causes brain dysfunction. TBIs range from mild (a brief change in mental status or consciousness) to severe (an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury). They can result from a variety of incidents, including car accidents, where the head may strike an object like the steering wheel or windshield, or simply move violently enough to cause the brain to collide with the interior of the skull.

The symptoms of a TBI can be physical (such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, speech problems, dizziness), cognitive (such as memory issues, concentration problems, mood swings), sensory (such as blurred vision, ringing in the ears), and can even affect sleep (insomnia or sleeping more than usual).

Depending on the severity, TBIs can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s physical and cognitive abilities, emotional functioning, and quality of life. Long-term or lifelong support and care may be needed in severe cases.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) involve damage to the spinal cord, which can lead to a temporary or permanent change in its function. The spinal cord does not have to be severed for a loss of functioning to occur; even bruising can result in significant disability. In the context of a car accident, these injuries can occur due to a severe impact or penetration that fractures, dislocates, crushes, or compresses one or more of the vertebrae in the spine.

The impact on mobility and sensation depends on where the injury is located on the spinal cord and whether the injury is complete or incomplete. Injuries higher up on the spinal cord (toward the head) can result in quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs), while lower injuries may result in paraplegia (paralysis of the legs and lower body). Depending on the severity, you may need long-term care, physical therapy, and assistance with daily activities. Adaptations to your living environment and vehicle may be necessary to accommodate mobility aids or accessibility needs.

Internal Organ Damage

Internal organ damage refers to injuries that occur within the body, affecting the organs. These injuries can be hazardous because they may not be immediately apparent. In the context of a car accident, internal organ damage can occur due to blunt force trauma (such as being hit by an object or compressed by a seat belt) or penetrating trauma (such as being impaled by a fragment of the vehicle).

Damaged organs can lead to infections, which may not only complicate the initial injury but also lead to further health issues. Antibiotics and sterile techniques are used to minimize this risk. Depending on which organs are damaged, there could be long-term or permanent effects on your health and function. For example, kidney damage could result in a need for dialysis, while liver damage could affect your body’s ability to process medications and toxins.


What If I Don’t Think I Was Injured in My Car Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident and initially think you haven’t been injured, it’s still crucial to take certain steps to protect your health and legal rights. Here’s why:

  • Some injuries, like whiplash, concussions, or internal bleeding, can have delayed symptoms that may not be immediately apparent after an accident. It’s not uncommon for the adrenaline and shock of the incident to mask pain and discomfort.
  • Even if you feel fine, it’s wise to get a medical evaluation as soon as possible after the accident. A healthcare professional can assess you for any potential injuries you may not be aware of. This documentation is also critical if symptoms develop later on and you need to file an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Having a record of a medical evaluation immediately following an auto accident creates a documented link between the incident and any injuries discovered. This can be vital for insurance or legal claims, as it helps to establish that the injuries were a direct result of the accident.

In the days and weeks following the accident, pay attention to any symptoms that may arise, such as pain, discomfort, dizziness, or changes in mood or behavior, which could indicate an injury. If you begin to experience symptoms after your initial medical evaluation, don’t hesitate to return to a healthcare provider for a follow-up. New symptoms can provide new insights into your physical condition.

How Can a Texas Car Accident Attorney Help My Case?

A Texas car accident attorney can play a critical role in managing your case after an auto accident. Not only do they understand the state and federal laws covering car accidents, but they can ensure that your accident claim is filed on time and your case is as strong as possible.

An experienced attorney can conduct thorough investigations into your accident to gather evidence that supports your accident claim. This can include obtaining police reports and medical records, interviewing witnesses, reviewing traffic and surveillance camera footage of the accident scene, and hiring accident reconstruction experts if necessary. They can also:

  • Accurately assess the full extent of your damages, ensuring you claim for all potential areas of financial compensation. This includes not just medical bills, hospital bills, and property damage, but also lost wages, pain and suffering, and any long-term disability or care needs.
  • Manage all communication and negotiation with insurers, advocating for your best interests and protecting you from lowball settlements or unfair comparative fault claims.
  • Consult with medical experts to ensure the injuries are properly documented and that you receive the necessary treatment for your recovery.
  • Handle the filing of all court documents, and represent you during all legal proceedings.
  • Push for a settlement that fully addresses your needs by highlighting the impact of the accident on your life and presenting a well-substantiated case.
  • Handle the finalization of any settlement or judgment against the at-fault driver, ensuring that the paperwork is completed correctly and that you receive the settlement in a timely manner.

A Texas car accident attorney can provide valuable expertise and support, working to ensure that you receive the financial compensation you’re entitled to and allowing you to concentrate on your recovery.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With a Texas Car Accident Lawyer

The aftermath of a car accident can be a tumultuous time filled with confusion, pain, and uncertainty. From minor bruises to life-altering spinal injuries, each case carries its own set of challenges and demands careful, compassionate handling. If you or a loved one has been affected by a car accident in Texas, let the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS fight for the fair settlement or award you need to rebuild your future. To schedule your free initial consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers, call (210) 800-0000 or contact us online today.

Related: Broken Bones After a Texas Car Accident

Organ Damage After an Accident