When you get into your vehicle, you should never have to worry about any of the vehicle’s parts being defective. Unfortunately, faulty automobiles and auto parts make it to the market and into consumers’ cars all the time. At the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, we are here to help if you or a loved one is injured in an accident due to a defective vehicle. Our San Antonio auto defect attorneys are ready to help you get through this. Contact us today to discuss your case.
If you had been injured due to a defective vehicle or vehicle part, find an attorney with the resources and experience necessary to pursue your case.
Auto defect cases can become very complicated because they involve going up against major car companies and part manufacturers. Your attorney will have the resources and experience necessary to take on any opponent. They will conduct a thorough investigation by gathering all evidence related to that vehicle and the parts involved.
Your San Antonio auto defect lawyer will be responsible for ensuring you are evaluated by a trusted healthcare professional who can assess your injuries. After calculating your total losses, your attorney will work to negotiate a fair compensation on your behalf or prepare your case for trial.
When we turn to the Texas Department of Transportation, we can see the defective vehicles are auto parts that caused serious injuries or fatalities during the latest reporting year:
Over the last few years, there have been many national recalls of defective vehicles and vehicle parts. Perhaps the most well-known of these is the recall of Takata airbags, which have been responsible for many deaths and hundreds of injuries in the United States.
If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to a defective vehicle or vehicle part, seek legal assistance today. At the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS, we will work to secure compensation for all of your injury-related expenses, which can include:
When you need a San Antonio auto defect attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation online or by calling us at (844) 529-4867.