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Villarreal & Begum Last Updated Date: June 3rd, 2021

The Basics of Property and Casualty Insurance

For those new to insurance or trying to gain a better understanding of how it all works and what it all means, it’s important to know about property and casualty insurance. To put it in general terms, property and casualty insurance cover the things that you actually own. Not only that but they also keep you covered with liability coverage in case some accident occurred on someone else (and they were harmed or something they owned was damaged) where you might be found at fault. In other words, it can turn out to be extremely important in case anything happens.

But what type of policies actually include property and casualty insurance? Let’s look at a few different examples.

Car insurance

Car insurance almost always includes liability coverage, especially because it is required in almost every state within the United States. Drivers need liability coverage in case anything happens, such as a car accident. They also often need comprehensive coverage as well as collision coverage. The point of car insurance, remember, is to protect not only yourself and whoever else is on the road, but also to protect your own car in case the unexpected occurs.

Homeowners insurance

This type of insurance is equally important (or perhaps more important) than car insurance, as it covers you if anything were to happen to you or your home. Generally speaking, homeowners insurance includes liability coverage, which means you would be covered even if you’re found to be at fault in case someone is harmed on your property. Additionally, if you were to damage someone else’s property, you would be covered for that with the liability coverage of homeowners insurance. If the unexpected ever does occur in your home (such as fire, theft, or anything else), you and your belongings will be protected with this insurance.

Renters insurance

If you rent instead of owning your property, that doesn’t mean there is no insurance for you. You probably already are aware that your landlord has an insurance policy for the building you are living in as well as any belongings that belong to him or her, but this, unfortunately, does not cover anything you own.

For that reason, renter’s insurance can be important. It will keep all of your belongings financially protected. You are additionally covered with liability coverage that will protect you in case anyone is accidentally harmed inside your own home, or in case you accidentally damage someone else’s property. It can also cover you if your living costs ever go up because of something that has happened in your unit or building to make it no longer possible or safe to live there. For many people, renters insurance is crucial to their well-being.

There are a number of other types of insurance policies that include liability coverage, or property and casualty insurance. In addition to the three main ones covered here, there is also power sports insurance, landlord insurance, and condo insurance. No matter what your living and recreational situations are, it is a good idea to get insured and have a complete understanding of your insurance policies.