No one ever wants to deal with their Insurance company. They will try anything they can in order to get away with paying you less than you deserve. Insurance companies have all the time in the world, and they know you don’t. You have better things to do, and medical bills piling up. After you have been injured in a car accident, you just want to get what belongs to you and move on with your life. The insurance companies count on this. They hope that’ll you take what they offered, and hope you’ll cut your losses. No one wants to be taken advantage of. That’s why getting a consultation from a personal injury attorney is so important. Your lawyer can help you through the process, and warn you about the tricks these companies use to get out of paying you.
Initial Response
After getting an insultingly low offer, your first reaction might be anger. Of course, this is an absolutely normal reaction to have. No one likes being cheated out of what they deserve. However, instead of reacting as soon as you get the offer, cool off. Take some time to look at it, and analyze the offer. Is this actually a fair offer? If it’s too low, explain why this the insurance company. The insurance company might not fully understand the extent of the damages you have suffered. You should write a letter to the insurer, but first, talk to the adjuster assigned to your case. They’ll be able to help you understand why they offered you what they did. This can help you formulate a response that can counter their points.
Your response should include more information than just the things that involve your car. Include the time you had to take off of work or even the emotional aspect of the accident. This will help your argument. Just remember to be courteous. Don’t take your anger out on the insurance company. Cooler heads prevail in these situations. After you reject their initial offer, make a counter-offer. This should be a realistic offer. Don’t go overboard, you want to make an offer you think is fair. The more realistic you are, the more likely the insurance company is willing to settle for your counter-offer. If not, they might send you another offer and go back in forth until both parties agree on a fair amount. Your attorney can help you with this process. An experienced personal injury attorney handles these kinds of cases every day. While each case is unique, your lawyer can help you figure out what a realistic figure.
San Antonio Accident Lawyer.
Have you or a loved one been in a serious car crash and suffered injuries? If so, you should contact an experienced Personal Injury attorney. Villarreal and Begum is a local San Antonio firm that will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. We serve clients all across Texas with offices in San Antonio, McAllen, and Laredo. We are available day and night to take your calls. Call or contact us via our website. The Law Guns will fight for you.
The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS dedicates their time and effort towards helping people in Texas find justice for personal negligence encountered while living their normal, everyday lives.