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Villarreal & Begum Last Updated Date: May 23rd, 2023

Explaining a Multi-Car Accident To Your Lawyer

car crash pile up

When you get into a car accident that involves multiple car, you start to realize that the whole thing usually turns into a whole mess. Sure, you can’t exactly speak to every person involved in the car accident, and the witnesses are not always that prone to help you out, or they just don’t know exactly what happened throughout the course of the accident because so many people were involved.

San Antonio sees its fair share of multi-car accidents, so when you get in a car accident in this area you need to call a San Antonio personal injury lawyer to help you out Why? Because personal injury lawyers help you uncover the truth and find the person who was negligent from the start. If you can find the person who was negligent, then you can get the compensation you deserve.

The only problem is that explaining a multi-car accident to a San Antonio personal injury lawyer is a little more difficult than your standard two-car accident. Let’s take a look at how you can explain a multiple car accident to your lawyer.

Give Them as Many Pictures as Possible

After you get in an accident, take as many photos as possible so that the lawyer can go through them and find little details that may prove that you were not negligent. This also helps them find others who were not abiding by the law, bringing in potential compensation for you.

Explain What You Were Doing in the Car

A great way to keep yourself out of trouble is to fully explain what you were doing in the car to your personal injury lawyer. Talk about how you were driving safe and not talking on the phone. Tell them that you were going to pick up your kids or whatever it was you were doing so they can piece together a case that makes you look like the good guy.

Give Them Contact Info of Other People in the Accident

These extra contacts are perfect for the car accident lawyer to speak with the other people in the accident and understand exactly what types of people were involved. Sure, it might not get you all the compensation you need, but it gives them enough information for them to identify people who might have been more negligent than others.

Let us know in the comments section if you have any questions about how to handle multi car accident in the San Antonio area, or anywhere for that matter. Share your thoughts if you have been in a multi-car accident and you had to speak with a personal injury lawyer to get you out of a rut.