If you were in a car crash, chances are you need to file a claim with your insurance company. Depending on the situation, your insurance company might ask for the police report. Whenever a police officer is called to the scene of a car crash, the officer fills out a report based on the information they gather at the scene. This usually involved statements the drivers gave at the scene, witness accounts, driver’s license, and insurance information. Getting a copy of this report is obviously important. Below we’ll give you some information to help you get your copy. It is important that you get a copy of the accident report from the police. You will need this document to file an insurance claim. It’s also an essential report for filing a legal claim to get the financial compensation you’re entitled to.
- Get a business card or contact info of the responding officer. Also, ask when you can expect the accident report to be ready. The office should be able to give you a rough estimate of when it will be ready. Around that time, you can request a copy of the report.
- Sometimes, you can get the report online. If there is a website on the business card given to you, be sure to check it. You might be able to simply download the report, and print it yourself.
- When you speak to the officer responsible, give him your name and a description of the crash to help him remember. Other details you can offer him include the date, time and location. If you get a recorded message, >provide him with your name, address, and phone number and request that he call you back.
- If you’re not able to reach the officer, then a receptionist at the main desk at the police department may be able to help, or you can call the local courthouse and speak to the clerk.
- If you still can’t seem to get any answers, go to your local DMV, they will be able to tell you how you can get a copy of your report.
San Antonio Accident Lawyer.
Have you or a loved one been in a serious car crash and suffered injuries? If so, you should contact an experienced Personal Injury attorney. Villarreal and Begum is a local San Antonio firm that will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. We serve clients all across Texas with offices in San Antonio, McAllen, and Laredo. We are available day and night to take your calls. Call or contact us via our website. The Law Guns will fight for you.
The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS dedicates their time and effort towards helping people in Texas find justice for personal negligence encountered while living their normal, everyday lives.