If you end up getting involved in an accident, you’ll more than likely get a call from the at-fault driver’s insurance agency. Often enough, the call seems innocent. Just a nice adjuster, asking you for a statement. Don’t be fooled. The person on the other end of the line is a trained professional. They might seem like they have your best interests at heart, but they work for the insurance company. Their loyalty lies with the guys who sign their paycheck, and it’s their job to help the insurance company pay as little as possible for your claim. The best way to do this is to use your own words against you. Anything you say could be used as an excuse to deny your claim.
Never Give A Statement
Each adjuster has their own tactics to get out of paying your claim. Your answer to an innocent “How are you doing today?” can be used to show your injuries aren’t as serious as you claim. They can also be looking for inconsistencies. Often, they will ask you misleading questions to make it seem as if you are lying about your claim. Regardless of what tactics they use, you should never give a recorded or oral statement to the insurance company. Any question they ask is often a cleverly disguised trap. If you were in an accident, you need another professional to help you take on the insurance company. A personal injury attorney has a vested interest in making sure you get the money you deserve. In fact, many personal injury attorneys don’t get paid unless you win your case. Don’t trust the insurance company to do the right thing.
San Antonio Accident Lawyer.
Have you or a loved one been in a serious car crash and suffered injuries? If so, you should contact an experienced Personal Injury attorney. Villarreal and Begum is a local San Antonio firm that will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. We serve clients all across Texas with offices in San Antonio, McAllen, and Laredo. We are available day and night to take your calls. Call or contact us via our website. The Law Guns will fight for you.
The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS dedicates their time and effort towards helping people in Texas find justice for personal negligence encountered while living their normal, everyday lives.