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Villarreal & Begum Last Updated Date: May 24th, 2023

Texas Traffic Fatality Statistics [2019]

traffic on a rainy day

Official state records from the Texas Department of Transportation show that in 2019, there were approximately 1.26 traffic fatalities in Texas per every hundred million vehicle miles driven. The national average in the U.S. during the same year was 1.10 deaths per million miles traveled. The total number of traffic deaths in Texas in 2019 was 3,610. Some of the most noteworthy fatal accident statistics from 2018 include:

  • 410 motorcyclists killed – This includes both bike operators as well as passengers. About 45% of these fatalities were people who did not have a helmet at the time of their accident.
  • 660 pedestrians were killed – These victims were hit by vehicles, at a rate 5% higher than in 2018.
  • 377 people were killed in distracted driving accidents – This includes both drivers and passengers.
  • 1,161 single-vehicle run-off deaths – This includes drivers or passengers killed when their car drove off the road. These accidents are responsible for one-third of all traffic fatalities.

Statistics Show The Most Deadly Scenarios For Drivers

You can be caught off guard and hit by a negligent driver at almost any time. Many fatal or serious car accidents happen on small neighborhood streets or rural roads. Our local roads are constantly being used by distracted or intoxicated drivers.

Furthermore, many vehicles malfunction with little to no warning, and serious wrecks will often be the result. Statistics kept by state officials do show us certain patterns when it comes to fatal accidents. Some of the deadliest times and places for drivers in Texas are the following:

  • Between 2 and 3 a.m. – This hour is the most common time for fatal DUI wrecks. Many bars and restaurants close at 2 a.m., so intoxicated drivers will often take to the roads at this time.
  • During the holidays – In 2019, December was the deadliest month on Texas roads. The deadliest day was a tie between June 5 and December 7.
  • At intersections – In 2019, there were 731 people killed in accidents at intersections. This accounts for nearly one-fifth of all traffic deaths.
  • On rural roads – About 52% of deadly traffic accidents happen in rural areas. This includes many head-on collisions on two-lane roads as well as single vehicles that lose control and crash.

Recovering Compensation After a Loved One is Killed in a Traffic Accident

Texas law allows for wrongful death claims to be filed by those who lose a loved one due to the negligence or reckless actions of another person. Wrongful death claims are meant to provide compensation to the survivors of a fatal car accident.

Securing damages in a wrongful death suit requires a strong case. In addition to proving that the other party is responsible, your lawyer must show how your life has been affected by a loved one’s passing. You can recover compensation for the following in a wrongful death action:

  • Lost earning capacity by the deceased.
  • Lost future inheritance.
  • Loss of companionship, counsel, or support.
  • The mental and emotional pain you have suffered.
  • Loss of comfort and society.
  • Funeral costs.
  • Damages sustained by the deceased after their accident but before their death.

If you have lost a loved one in a car accident, contact a San Antonio wrongful death attorney at the Villarreal and Begum Law Firm to discuss your case in a free consultation. The Texas Law Guns will fight for you.